Monday, April 21, 2008

Today’s Teen, Yesterday’s Dream—The New Hippie.

By GW Lawrence/copyright 2008 Money News, April Edition

We may be seeing a shift in demographic strength in America. As the baby-boomers settle into retirement, there is a new rebel on the loose and just like the sixties, the numbers are on their side. With today’s teen pushing the scale towards 40 million, the largest demographic group ever and responsible for spending of over $200 billion a year, they may well be the power of the nation in less than a decade.
Misunderstood by a society that created them, today’s teen is left to dine with the dirty dishes of their predecessors and expected to clean the kitchen spotless. They are rebels as every teen before them, but more like the baby boomers of the sixties their rebellion is deliberate, desegregated, and demanding. All of this is a true sign of the times to come.

In 1964, the baby boomer population represented 40% of the population or 1/3 of Americans were under age 19. This enormous group rammed their new MindSet down the throats of the world. They were politically conscious, spirits of humanity, self-expressing, and defiant. They began one of the most significant changes in society, making the sixties a pivotal time in world culture.

Today’s teen is more politically conscious than recent decades. They live in a time of controversial wars and a campaign for the Democratic Presidential nomination pitting a black man vs. a white woman. Globalization, NAFTA, and the National deficet jeopardizes the tradition of employment their parents knew. Born in global warming panic that is no panic to them, but an awareness—post 9/11 syndrome that is not a syndrome for them, but a reality—and the falling of the US being the economical leader, which they may never believe ever existed. Today's teen may never know the true meaning of Entitlement Benefits with the crumbling of Social Security and Medicare. Race and social disparities are swept under the pretty carpet of hip-hop and teens face an expanding epidemic of prescription drugs that are advertised on a daily basis. Today's teen lives in a society of 42-year-old grand mothers.

Who better to understand them than the baby-boomers, the once hippies and soul children of the 60's?

Well, maybe not 42-year-old grand mothers, but do you remember Viet Nam, Heroin, the Cuban Standoff, the civil rights movement, the Cold War, fluoride water, Rock N Roll,  Motown, the deaths of two Kennedy’s, and one King?

I think the baby boomers will appreciate today’s teen, once the teen-labels fall from the banners held high by raised arms that do not reach out. Today’s teen will be going up against overwhelming odds in their quest for freedom and quality of life, which is by the way not their fault. They will force the element of change onto a stubborn world, which is stuck on upgrading old problems into new problems. Today’s teen will be looking for a new MindSet and a better way of living. They will be looking for change.

No, I don’t think today’s teen will join hands and sing in perfect harmony (1971), burn bra’s in protest for liberation, starve themselves for a good cause, or march on Washington DC. They are wiser, but weaker as our grandparents would say. However, they may end world hunger, save the earth, improve our education system, and leave a better place for their children. They must clean the kitchen, spotless.

Like the 60's, today's teen out thinks his or her parents, because today's parents still thinks they are hip, when they are only old. However, these teens need our experiences, our lessons in life, and more importantly, our trust and respect. The MindSet of Wealth Series are timeless books of the ages; The Power Over Money is an exploration of one's self, and a natural protection against similar distractions baby-boomers once fought. Yes, it is a book on thinking for wealth, but as wellbeing pertains to the individual's quest and not a cultural standards. This book will help teens discover an awareness never before known at such young ages and the confidence to navigate their passion and talents towards their dreams.

Pick up a copy of The Power Over Money ISBN 978-09797336-0-4 for teen or adult you love. GREAT FOR GRADUATION! Available at, Barnes &, and at Kidz4Money's website.